Everyday Urbanisms, Architecture, and Identity
The city, seen as a construction over time, is a set of social, political and cultural conditions that manifest themselves in space. How can we observe cities and their built environment as metanarratives of nationalism, politics, memory and identity amid social disparities and social alienation? How are these spaces open to multiple and subjective interpretations, reconstituted through popular imaginations? Using the lens of urban semiotics, this panel will explore questions of identity, nationalism and architecture as they come together in everyday urban experiences. By identifying urban processes and their varied but visible impacts on built form, discussions will center around concepts of maqamiat (localness), postcolonial urbanism and the role of nationalistic discourses on the identity of built spaces and architecture in the Pakistani context. The panel aims to generate rich discussions on pluralistic readings of the urban through existing and emerging scholarship in architecture and anthropology, along with a recognition of the social and cognitive bonds and meanings ascribed to spaces in everyday life.
Dr. Suneela Ahmed
Associate Professor, Architect
HOD Architecture, Indus Valley School of Arts and Architecture
Dr. Suneela Ahmed is an architect, urbanist and an academic. She is currently an Associate Professor, and Head of Architecture Department at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture. She earned her PhD in 2016 from Oxford Brookes University, UK and has over 19 years of research and teaching experience at both national and international level. Her interests lie in the analyzing the everyday adaptations of architectural and urban spaces at the grass root level by locals of the global south. She also dwells into the mitigation processes through the challenges of globalization, localization and informalization which gives shape to everyday spaces within an urban setting and how these processes form local and global identities. She has written various research papers, book chapters, newspaper articles and presented in conferences around these issues/ themes/ ideas. Her first solo authorship is to be published in October 2022 entitled “Urban Architecture and Local Spaces in Pakistan’ by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Dr. Mansoor Ahmed
Director, office of research innovation and commercialization (ORIC) at Institute of Arts and Culture, Lahore
Dr. Mansoor Ahmed is a Chief Architect at International Architectural Consultancy (IAC), where he leads large-scale development projects, including multiple high-rise buildings, with a special emphasis on sustainability and building information modelling (BIM). He is also the Director of the Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) at the Institute for Art and Culture. With over 18 years of experience as a licensed architect and a seasoned academician, Dr. Mansoor has a diverse portfolio of projects executed across Pakistan, Turkey, Middle East and Africa. He holds a PhD in Architecture from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, where he conducted an enquiry into the hybrid Indian modernity by comparing the post-independence planned capital cities Chandigarh and Islamabad. His current research is focused on the interrogation of nationalism and hybrid modernity through critically analyzing the architecture and urban development in connection with post-colonial theory, new Islamic architecture, identity, new nation states, spatial politics and power. He has presented his papers in prestigious conferences around the world and has won a national design competition for the Faisal Bank Regional Head Office, Lahore.
Dr. Abdul Qadar
Head, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences,
National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi
Dr. Abdul Qadar is currently heading the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi. He earned his doctorate in Social Anthropology and Ethnology from EHESS, Paris in December 2018, and his research works have been published in journals such as International Area Studies Review, Local Environment, Journal of Asian and African Studies, South Asia Research and Journal of International Development besides national journals. His research interests span a wide array of interdisciplinary spectrum covering topics like Kinship in Punjab, Hazardous Urban Ecologies, Urban Theory, Ethnographic Research Methods, and Anthropology of Development.
Soha Macktoom
Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, IBA
Ms. Soha Macktoom is a Lecturer at SSLA, IBA, and Associate Director at Karachi Urban Lab (KUL). She completed her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the NED University.