Urban Mapping

The panels displayed in this exhibit comprise the first attempt at urban documentation conducted by students with a background in Social Sciences at IBA University.

In their elective course on ‘Visual Methods in Urban Research’, students learnt a variety of visual techniques, mapping skills and digital tools to create rich, detailed maps documenting the urban environment around them. Ranging from physical to social analysis, transport and mobility to environmental analysis, students documented an urban site of their choice and conducted observational studies, quick sketches and data collection exercises to map specific themes within a chosen analysis. These mapping exercises compelled students to think critically about the linkages between the physical built environment and the lived experiences of people, and how we can think about history, heritage, place making, ecology and the environment through such documentation.

The exhibit is a selection of the work of selected students from this course as they weave urban maps into a narrative, which visitors would find engaging given their interactions with these popular sites within the city.